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Yup, interactivity does exist. Some of the pages on your site don't yet, though, so I just went with what I could see. I like the design. Clean and simple. There are a few things that I would like to comment on, though: 1) I don't really like the way you take over the status bar. Maybe this is just a personal preference, but I like seeing the url pop up when I mouse over something. I suppose it's not bad, though, as long as you make sure [b]every[/b] link shows something in the status bar (the "create" link in the bottom right corner, for example, doesn't show anything). Personally, I would just make every link clear enough so that the user can figure out where it goes without having to look at the status bar. If you really want to include extra info, try the alt tag (that's what it's there for). 2) In the three drop-down menus on the bottom... what does "PureHybrid Linkage" mean? It's a bit confusing, since it apparently is not a selection, but it doesn't look like a default, either. If that's just there to be cute, I would recommend changing it to something the user will recognize as [b]not[/b] being a choice. 3) What's with the "Trouble Shooting Section"--when I first saw it, I thought it referred to the whole row of buttons (post, view, rules, mod). I'm guessing, though, that it only refers to the "mod" button. I think the reason for this confusion is that the four buttons are all grouped closely together, and the "trouble shooting section" box is separate, so it looks like it refers to the entire group. An easy way to prevent this confusion would be to remove the "mod" box from the other three by a pixel or so. 4) There's a bug with the "refresh" button in the weblog area. When I hit the "mod" button, I get a "you are not authorized to view this page" in the weblog box. If I hit the refresh button after that, though, it wipes out the page and reloads just the "news in general" box--all by itself at the top of the page. Honestly, I'm not sure why you need the refresh button in the first place. The "overall news" (which, by the way, I think you should just change to something like "main" or "general," to fit more with "news in general") button takes me back to the main news page, so why would I need to refresh. My advice: just take the "refresh" button out. 5) This might have something to do with the fact that the site isn't done yet, but why does that graphic take up so much space? Is something going to go there in the future? That's about it for now, I guess. Good luck and have fun. [img]http://disk919.com/sig/suho1004_0210.gif[/img] [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/FaqWiki/shownode.php?id=270]Cell 270[/url]
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