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Um Janny, why did you just sign up under another Userame? Doing stuff like that is likely to annoy people around here. It just creates more confusion than is really needed. I'm sure there's a decent reason but if you don't tell people then chances are the'll think your trying to hide something when they find out. Maybe you should just pop into the main Ozone forum and drop a lil post in there letting every one know that you've changed your username. Tiz the respectful thing to do. :) Thanks for puttin the link back. Hey, nice site. Love the colours, well except for the rollovers -- I don't like oversaturated blues. Very k10k like... Interactivity? Most the links are broken so I can't really comment on that. I'd have to agree with suho on the status bar issue. It's not adding ~anything~ to the site. It says exactly the same as the menu links themselves so why bother repeating the information? If your going the extra mile to do that you may as well put something usefull in there. [This message has been edited by Dracusis (edited 10-22-2002).]
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