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uhm, is it just me or did the chromeless pop up disappear? the colors of the site don't give the *pop* i'd like to see... the blue is your dominant color and the green should be the accentuating color, but instead they just kind of 'blah' together. same thing with the 'JASONOIA.COM' bit, the off-white color doesn't do a ton for me. the grid background is kind of fun? i'm not sure about the graphic in the upper corner, once again it just doesn't seem to be a cohesive element... the scrollbar on the blue background doesn't do a lot for me. in your portfolio section don't have your images popup on a blue background, it takes away from the original work. if you want to be anal retentive (like me!) you should use a mid-range grey color because it'll help the human eye see the work correctly. a white or black background also work, but white backgrounds tend to make the piece itself look brighter than they really are and black backgrounds make pieces look darker. or wait, is that the other way around? i decided to skip studio today and drink instead so i'm probably wrong... but you get the idae. and please don't spell school "skool." ahhh i think i've bitched about enough for now. keep up the work though, you're getting there...
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