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Welcome to the Asylum puffyO1. Stick around and I am sure you will learn a lot. On to the review: I have never been a fan of "splash pages". I don't really see a need in them. You have Enter Site or Forum. How 'bout just enter right into the site? The grey on the Flash part of the splash page is off from the other grey. If you are going to use it, might want to make sure the greys match up. Do, you really have to use frames? It makes it hard to bookmark pages on the inside of your site. There again I have never been a big fan of frames. But that is just me. The girl on the index2 page is quite lovley if you don't mind me saying :D I am not sure if this is a personal page or not. If it is then its your call as to what you post. But, using explicits can sometime come across a little harsh if you are using it to get work. [quote]We all have a little buddha inside of us. Find out how to get rid of it. [/quote] Why would I want to get rid of it? I am working on obtaining it :) It's not a bad page, you just use some things that I have never really like (i.e. Frames and splash pages) Other than that, its not a bad page. Later, C:\ [b]~Binary is best~[/b]
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