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I'm a busy, busy man, and I cannot be concerned with reading [i]everything[/i] that everyone else said before I give my words of wisdom. That being said, I'm a busy, busy man, and I cannot be concerned with finding which tiny bit of text to click to enter the site...but because your name is "puffy," which is one of my favourite words, I found the correct image. And I clicked (aftger deciding that the image on the top right, while cool, was unnecessary, and made me angry)... ...and I am assaulted by a ginormous image (ginormous is a word created from the fusion of "giant," and "enormous," which is to say "really fucking big.") of a girl chewing on what appears to be a piece of licorice root. That's fine. ...except that in my 800x600 window I had open, I saw three lines of text. That made me really, really angry. Viewing the source, I found a frameset, which meant that unless I made my window bigger, I was only going to get three lines of text at a time. Scroll...scroll...scroll. You can imagine my sorrow. It wouldn't have been all bad, of course, except that web-standard-blue on mid-dark grey is...loud. Could we change that? Pretty please? Oh, God, for the love of all the pagan deities, I want a different link colour. And while we're tossing around superfluous u's (read "colour," and "favourite."), I don't like the colour of the body font. Upon further examination, I don't even like the font. I suggest something smaller. God knows you're doing a poor job of cramming things into my smallish window, so lets give me a leg up, eh? Say, 10px Verdana? Arial is too...bouncy-curvy. So there I am, reading the most recent post on your page, and you mention your "About," page. And I give a cursory glance, and I do not, immediately, see a link to the aforementioned page. That I have to actually search to find it (and then be assaulted by moving crap) is a bad sign. it should be self-evident, you know. I see the "Indulgence" at the right side at the first view (you picked good contrast that time), but I miss the options to the left. I think that's a good few places for you to start with. And, for the record, Betrayal at Krondor was a great game. Knock it again, and I kneecap you. [img]http://www.miscminutiae.com/sig/twitch_01.gif[/img] [url=http://www.miscminutiae.com] [img]http://www.miscminutiae.com/sig/twitch_02.gif[/img] [/url][url=http://www.miscminutiae.com/sig] [img]http://www.miscminutiae.com/sig/twitch_03.gif[/img] [/url]
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