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ok... i haven't read the other reviews, but apparently you've made changes, so hopefully i won't be duplicating too much. if you're going to have a splash page, make it a good one. make 'teamEarth' a decent font. lose the stalled bits on the animation. ...but first of all - tell me, what for the love of all things jaggy is the point of it? because right now, all it seems to be doing is abusing bandwidth. navigators/menus are to help people navigate. suprise suprise, yours do not. at all. if you're going to have a picture > text rollover, at least have different pictures for each icon, so people can make some sort of association... for example a picture of a home for home, a "?" for info... etc etc etc your site also has an incredibly poor use of screen space. 3 sets of navigators, linking to the same area.... kinda seems a little redundant, ya? makes me think you could get rid of the rando-buttons altogether. for the amount of information you have on your site, there's no reason why i should have to scroll to read it all... why can't the picture of the world be smaller, and next to the 'teamearth' title? then, if you chop out all the 'mystery link' icons, that will chop the vertical space in half... your colours, although a tad bland, work really well together. the mystery links really don't fit in, for this reason also. my only other suggestion for now is to look at using a 'nicer' font... like a sans serif. ...and congratulations on your engagement earlier this year! :) [img]http://www:rosebud@charlie.it.uts.edu.au/~areitsma/images/reitsma_sig.gif[/img]
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