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Thanks Veneficuz So far I have fixed the text pages, making them narrower. I put a link list on my first page. I know you guys don't like the splash screen, but I sort of like it, sorry... Um, yea.. I also like the buttons, it makes my page different from normal sites, and since their are options to get to the same places in the box on the right, I figured it was Ok. And I don't want people to read the second info page before they read the first info page, so I don't see why I should put links to the second & 3rd info pages on my main page? I tried to standardize the fonts better, I hope that everything looks Ok. I also slowed the movement of the eyes on the copyright page, so they don't interfere when you try and click on the links. I know their annoying, Veneficuz, but thats kind of the point. :) [url=http://www.eccentrix.com/members/teamearth/]teamEarth[/url] ~~ [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/FaqWiki/shownode.php?id=816&sortby=rating]Cell 816[/url] [This message has been edited by Gilbert Nolander (edited 10-24-2002).]
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