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okee dokee...since you mentioned it, I loaded up Mac/IE5.1 (I normally browse in Mac/NN7) and viewed them side-by-side. You can see for yourself. [url=http://www.miscminutiae.com/sig/ntudive_ie5.gif]Mac/IE5.1[/url] [url=http://www.miscminutiae.com/sig/ntudive_nn7.gif]Mac/NN7[/url] To make this a learning process, lets look through the code, shall we? The CSS is the culprit in the definition for the class "header.": [code]background: transparent url('/images/layout/postheader.gif') repeat-y top left;[/code] Strip out your quotation marks. It will still validate with W3C specs, don't worry. That being said, your site doesn't fit very well in a 800x600 window. I do all my browsing in roughly that size. Could we fix that? Danke. ON TO THE DESIGN! I really like the navigation cliche you've got going for you. Really nice stuff there. But take a look at the rollover for "dive courses." You've got a mishap there, either by image or code. For some reason, there's a pixel differentiation between root (/) and any other page (including /index.php). Really odd. Check it out. Switch back and forth between those two pages, and you'll see it for yourself. Since there isn't much going on design-wise for this site, I'll make one final comment: The blockiness isn't really "fluid-like." Since you're all about diving, and diving makes you think of water (and half-naked, gorgeous men, if you're anything like me), I would like to see some of the corners smoothed out a bit--particularly the bit at the very top. Frankly, it looks more like a clan page of some kind, and less like a diving page. :) Good stuff, good markup -- I applaud your efforts. [img]http://www.miscminutiae.com/sig/twitch_01.gif[/img] [url=http://www.miscminutiae.com] [img]http://www.miscminutiae.com/sig/twitch_02.gif[/img] [/url][url=http://www.miscminutiae.com/sig] [img]http://www.miscminutiae.com/sig/twitch_03.gif[/img] [/url]
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