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Zox: I'm not going to say anything about the page itself other than I think it looks pretty good. *BUT*... you gotta do something about that NAME!!! I mean just say it. "The Happy Pair." I immediately see a fruit packing a flame-thrower, (but that's because I've been hanging out here too long. <lol> ) How about an ample bosoom passing by, Hmmm there's a happy pair. Testies swinging freely in a pair of boxer shorts or under a kilt. Gotta change that name man!! [edit] I've been thinking about this: "I am not sure if there is really much of a market for this sort of thing." I'll try to be brief but don't hold your breath. <BG> Why not try and refine the concept and come up with a product you can sell at the "corporate" level. I can see this being integrated with already existing matrimonial services offered by the likes of Sears and the Bay (canada) and I presume many others. One of our nephews was married this past summer and quite some time before, his parents had registered the 'wedding' at a major department store... anyone could go online make a credit card purchase... see what 'others' had purchased in the way of wedding gifts, avoid duplicates and all that. So why not *your* idea as an additional service? Everything virtually template driven (custom work also available) The dept. store, I'll use Sears as an example (but I could see this burning through the roof at Walmart) hosts the individual sites on its existing servers. Either sell the package outright... or with a service contract. I mean Sears and other places already offer just about everything else 'wedding' why not a website? I don't think this would be a tough sell at all. The tough part would be finding your way through the corporate maze to the eyes and ears that make decisions. Anyway.... you probably think I'm a bit whacky... but that's ok...cuz this is after all an Asylum! <lol>[/edit] [This message has been edited by NoJive (edited 10-26-2002).]
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