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Suho1004: I've just been at it longer. You're showing promise.. keep it up. <lol> As for the name and use of 'pair.' The only usage that comes to mind is the phrase: "They make a fine pair." And *most usually* it is not a compliment. "Couple" might be more appropriate. As for selling the product.... I'd say go for it. But be smart about it. You may not have any interest in the business side of things which means you should at the very least contact a lawyer and not just any lawyer you want to talk to a lawyer who specialises in corporate/business law. Most lawyers will give you a half an hour or more 'free' consultation. Go in with a long list of questions. Write down the answers. Go home and make some decsions. One decision might be to put a lawyer on a retainer. Just remember that if you approach any company of size and they like your idea and want to buy it... *their* lawyer/s will be the ones you're dealing with so you'd best have someone competent on *your* side. As I said... I don't think it would that hard of a sell. Just make sure the package is a bullet proof as possible. After the "Happy Pairs'" website has been hosted on the retailers server for say 6 months or a year... they have the option of porting it over to say Runningwolfe <bg> or letting it vanish into the ethers. Give it some serious thought ZOX... I think you've got something there. Just be smart about it.
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