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OK, I can see the divs now, and I'm seeing something a bit weird: that few pixels of vertical space is actually showing up at the bottom of each div, within the div. So the divs are lining up properly, but for some reason you've got extra space inside the div. Also, I noticed some errors in your code. First of all, I think the space at the top is caused by some extra characters in your code. If you look closely, you'll see />" at the very top. In the code, it appears on the line right below your stylesheet link. In the style sheet, you're missing the opening brackets in your menutoprow and menusecondrow style declarations. I'm not sure if this is having any effect on the outcome, but you should fix it. Also, I would but a "margins: 0px" in the body declaration. This will help get rid of some extra space at the top, too. Also, just to make sure, try setting the margins and padding to 0 for those top divs--that might get rid of that space ([url=http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/box.html#mpb-examples]more info and margins, padding, etc.[/url]). I think the problem might lie elsewhere, though, but I'm just not sure where. Finally, I don't know where those underscores are creeping in, but your code for the non-breaking spaces is off--it should be " " not " " (you're missing the semicolon at the end). Keep at it... we're getting there. :)
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