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Hmm... I see... OK, the first thing you need to do is get those menu buttons to line up like you have them in the single menu image at the top. The way (I think) you should do this is to make each line of buttons a div (pseudo-code follows): <div> <home button> <members button> <charters button> <forum button> </div> And then you would do the same thing with the next line. Next, get rid of all the floats... you don't need them. What float does is remove the element from the flow (check out the [url=http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/visuren.html#floats]CSS2 specs[/url] for more info on this), and you don't really need that here. Also, since you are not going to be absolutely positioning these elements, you can also get rid of all your "top" declarations; the elements should automatically line up vertically without them if you position them relatively. Now let's move over to your HTML. First of all, you don't need the id="body" in your body tag. When you say "body" or "h1" or something like that in your stylesheet, that applies to the default html <body> or <h1> tag, so you don't need to give it an id on top of that. I would also try to get away from things like the <br> tag. You should control vertical white space using margins and padding instead. I'm not sure if all that is going to get rid of that little space between the title image and the menu, but who knows? I do know that Slime's "show divs" bookmarklet does not work on your page (producing only a blank page with the word [object] on it), which means something is wrong somewhere. Anyway, I would try those changes, take out the big menu image, and see what happens. If it still doesn't work, bring it back here and we'll see what we can do. Maybe Slime will show up and wave his magic wand for us...
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