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Plz review this site....
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Hi, few ok concepts you have going there, but still alot of work to be done i think, havnt had much of a chance to look at it, but the first two things that stood out to me were: -The first page you goto i think is mostly unnecessary and will become quite annoying to people, espeically that menu, it might look nice the first time around, but having to wait for a button then trying to click on it - eek! Honestly i think you should do away with the first page but thats my opinion :) - Also you NEED to optimise your images, most of them are >20k, which is very bad.... the page would take someone on 56k about 3 days to load in its current state. I saw some that were 35k and more even, for those type of pictures as thumbnails you should be able to get them down to around 5 - 10k each easily without much noticable difference. Anyhow those i would see as two major problems, but i havnt had a chance to look at any more yet =)
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