OZONE Asylum
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Plz review this site....
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Sketch, dunno if its me, but i just took a look at ya site, loaded totally front page in 30-45 seconds on dial up. I like the design... here are some tips/suggestions though. 1. The Spinning nav toy is annoying, it looks pretty but is a pain in the ass to click on. 2. Lose the Music. 3. If ya wanna stick with the splash page (it looks nice, but is useless and takes up load time) do the following. a.add a loading bar to it so people can see how long its going to take to load b.give them an alternative entry ie (press this button to skip intro type link) 3.image optimizing DO IT!!! overall ya have a nice site just a few (but important) issues Need to be taken care of. Fix the stuff pointed out an ya got the makings of a VERY nice site.
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