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Well, welcome Sketch. I have to say this once, to me young Indian women are very lovely. :) OK, anyway. Couldn't argree more with what was already said. That rotating nav thing has got to change. I had a heck of a time grabbing one. When I tried, I missed it and had to wait for the right one to come around again. Very tiresome. On the interior pages you have a side nav that has "GENERAL Payments/Delivery Queries/Suggestion ". Right under that you have some artwork. Why? You don't sell those things do you? Or am I just missing something with their signifigance? I am not sure if I really like the border around the items. It looks on the "professional" side, but I think you could be a little more creative about it. On the good side however, the colors are nice. And most of the graphic work looks really good. Glad to have you aboard. Later, C:\ [b]~Binary is best~[/b]
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