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Whoa, OK... I'll try to be gentle here. ;) Veneficuz is right about the Flash. I can see the Flash, but I still think that's got to be one of the worst intro pages I've ever seen. First of all, please get rid of the music. A lot of users hate it when sites suddenly start playing music without warning (especially if they're at work). Second of all, where did that rotating menu come from? That is a usability nightmare. Not only are all of the choices not visible at the same time, but the user has to chase the links just to enter the site. If I wanted a video game experience I would have gone down to the arcade. You want to make it as easy as possible for the user to enter your site--anything that makes it difficult to enter the site is bad. On that note, I would agree with H][RO and say lose the first page all together. Why not just take users directly to the first page with your products? You need to learn how to make thumbnails. The reason those pictures look so horrible (and the reason they are so large in terms of file size) is because you just shrunk them down using HTML. The thumbnail size you have there is actually less than a quarter of the size of the larger image--if you shrunk the pics down in Photoshop you would not only have sharper looking pics, but a much quicker download. [Edit: Just thought I'd explain the above a little more, just in case there was some confusion. What you've basically done is load up the larger image, but then specified a smaller size in your code. The browser then tries to fit this larger image into the smaller space, and you end up with an image that is not only horribly pixelated, but is way too large of a file size. Having the larger image loaded up saves time if the visitor clicks to enlarge the image, but it's better to have your download times spread out--not to mention that the visitor may not need to enlarge the picture if you have a proper, sharp, thumbail. As it is, the only way to get a good look at the clothes is by viewing the larger image, which gets tedious.] What are those two pics on the left (a painting and a rug?)? They're not clickable, they don't lead anywhere... Hope that wasn't too rough, but those things just stuck out. If you lost the splash page and made some thumbnails, the site would be improved greatly. Good luck! [img]http://disk919.com/sig/suho1004_0210.gif[/img] [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/FaqWiki/shownode.php?id=270]Cell 270[/url] [This message has been edited by Suho1004 (edited 10-31-2002).]
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