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I don't know whether a prototype belongs here or in the DHTML Forum. Mebbe a Mad Sci. can move it if they think it's in the wrong place - thanks. I've been trying to work out a diferent paradigm to replace the traditional "logo at the top - menu at the side or top" offerings, partly because I wanted to show off a bit, partly because my Javascript skills were getting rusty, and partly because I used to love all the moving stuff on my hero Doc's Ozones.com site. I'm sure all this has been done before, but i can't remember seeing a web site which does it, and I thought it all up myself, so I'm claiming it as an original (poohhh .. can you smell that ??). I'm pretty happy with progress so far, but that's nothing, because it's the only thing i've been thinking about for quite a while, so my views are biased by my elation at the little successes along the way. Anyway ... I think I'm now finally ready for the inevitable comedown ... and I always appreciate the comments of such a knowledgeable bunch of guru's as the inmates ... so here goes nothing ... [url=http://www.trib-design.com/new-twd/slider2/]What do you think[/url] (all comments should be written on $50 bills and mailed to .... well it was worth a try ;) [This message has been edited by trib (edited 11-01-2002).]
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