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Thanks to everyone for their comments, both here and on the Gurus Network. I think I've got one to stick with. Yep, it needs more development. I think I'll try emptying the frames before moving the doo-dad, and then setting a timeout on the loading of the new contents. That should give it time to move before the widgets appear, and smoother motion by drastically cutting re-rendering requirements. I, realise the graphics are pretty shitty, but that's not my strong point. One of my biggest faults is that I'm too impatient to get something up on screen so that I can start coding. Now I have something coded, I definitely need to get down and start working hard on the graphics. I'm afraid the blue will be staying (it's a long story) but in the light of Drac's comments, maybe I need to work though the colouring of the other elements to try and lighten it up a bit. Yep, DHTML is a bit cranky, but I love it. I think I'll be taking the site down again after the wweekend while I work on it. When I'm done I'll put fully documented (well .... documented) code in the JS directory. [This message has been edited by trib (edited 11-02-2002).]
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