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I don't think using the marquee text is a very good idea since you tend to focus on things that move and since that is the only moving thing on the page it can draw the focus away from the content. If you are set on using iframes (as it looks like you are) you should at least fix it so that they work. As it is now, they background scrolls with it, a little part of the 'circle menu' scrolls with it. I also think that the content area is way to small, right now the menu and logo takes up to much space comparing to the content. Might not be a bad idea to enlarge the iframe... You should also reconsider the menu. Right now it is very hard to read parts of it. And if you want to have the text on the circle, bend the text so it fits better on the circle.. The image in the background under the logo should also be changed. The right and top of the image is 'blured', but the left and bottom have sharp edges. Change it so all of the edges look the same. The page also lacks a DOCTYPE and you should remove the frames. They make it harder for searchengines to pick up the site and I don't think you really need them here. The visitor counter should also be removed. Who cares how many people visit the page if it is good? The arrows on the linkage menu doesn't fit in with the rest of the design eiter in my opinion. They don't serve any real purpose so you might as well remove them... _________________________ Anyone who has lost track of time when using a computer knows the propensity to dream, the urge to make dreams come true and the tendency to miss lunch. - copied from the wall of [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/FaqWiki/shownode.php?id=408]cell 408[/url] -
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