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The menu needs to be rethought or reworked. It took me about five minutes to figure out how to get to the content. I was actually going to say "add content" here but. . . Also on the menu, three of the five buttons don't have the rollover effect applied to them or at least you can't TELL that they have rollovers. The picture - I assume it is of you, doesn't really fit into the design very well either. Finally, I'm not the best with this really, but you are using tables and I know some of the others will get on to you for that. -Adam Edit: Last time I believe some comments were made about you request form for websites. I would agree that it should focus more on WHAT needs to be presented than HOW it's presented. That comes later. [This message has been edited by SPyX (edited 11-03-2002).]
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