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www.hypothraxer.net renewed ;)
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Most people won't know me anymore...I posted like...6 Posts about 2-3 years ago in this forum under 'Hypothraxer'. Well...I forgot my password and my e-mail has changed so I had to re-register :) Anyway: I redesigned my page and moved it to a new server. Sorry to say this, but it is only available in German!! Those who aren't scared of that fact (that it is in German), may like to visit it: [url=http://www.hypothraxer.net]www.hypothraxer.net[/url] I especially like to thank the following people: - Doc Ozone, for his fancy JavaScript, which I'm using since 1997 or something like that! :) - Thomas Brattli for his Tooltip script! (Tooltips don't work with Opera!) - Doc Ozone again, for his nice Tutorials (especially the glass-tutorial. I never got it right, how you described it...but I made it work differently! :) ) Regards Hypothraxer P.S.: The 'Low-Bandwith'-Version isn't available...because...well...I'm lazy! :) [This message has been edited by Hypo (edited 11-03-2002).]
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