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OK - I took on board a lot of the helpful criticisms from the members both here and on the Gurus Network, and reworked the "sliding pages" site to make it a bit cleaner running. In addition, I added a facility to skin the pages. I intend to leave it as a "secret option" but for you all ... click in the middle of the flying doo-dad. Only 2 skins at present, the original plus a very simple proof of concept, but now I need to get my code hat off and my arty-farty hat on and see if I can come up with some skins. [url=http://www.trib-design.com/]Here's the latest offering[/url] (edit .. done - it's live and I sink or swim by it /edit) As ever, your comments will be more than welcome. P.S. I tracked the jittery movement down to the fact that I used backgrounds for all the moving parts. I thought it would help, but in fact the converse is true. When you use a background image, and resize a div, IE5+ goes back and reloads it from the site (I think). If you have your cache options set to always check (which most designers do) it visits the site at every step of the slide movement .. hence ... jitters. [img]http://www.trib-design.com/images/tiny-globe-o.gif[/img] [This message has been edited by trib (edited 11-09-2002).]
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