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haven't seen the original version... so this is a fresh review with no background. loads up, hrm.. that's a pretty dark blue on my monitor. i don't really like that tone of blue, not my style, i'd go for something even darker and more rich if you're choosing that color. no big deal though. site looks weird, i haven't really seen anything like this before. not a fan of the rounded and curved lines. click around for a while and the scrolling movement you have is interesting. i wish there was actual content in the page so i could get a better grasp of how it'd handle the real deal, know what i'm saying? regardless it's decent enough and for the time being doesn't appear annoying, cool? tried clicking on the button to change skins but it appears after navigating for a bit that's not an option (at least from the portfolio page), reload page to start over. ahhh, designer jeans? where's the stitching and 200$ price tag? not too bad, though once again i don't especially like the lines with their drop shadow and separation from the background. weird, i clicked portfolio, then tutorials and the navigations turned into absolute mush. it was like multiple lines of text all scrunched up, unable to read. links were still present, but it had turned into mystery navigation. now i can't duplicate the error... which is even worse, there's something lurking in there that messed up ie5 on a pc (pretty standard, right?). just clicked on "trib" and it said "close menu?" i clicked okay, nothing happened and got the message "Done, but with errors on page." so there are a few things to work out yet perhaps. the site navigation and movement makes me want to explore more so that's good. unfortunately i'm not feeling your color selection or graphic choices right now, but that's cool because you've already demonstrated the skinning ability of this page. i'd maybe work on a few different color schemes, maybe some lines etc with actual texture and feel to them. looks like this could be a lot of fun though with some further development, good stuff.
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