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Sorry Mikey .. you probably caught it as I was altering the pages to try and get the forum "latest posts" page to appear in the forum nav area. It was about the time you would have been looking at it. I use a php page, so I can't really do it offline for that bit. I tried beating it up pretty heavily and can't get any major glitches with IE or NS6, except that NS's rendering and redraw is pretty cruddy. Designer Jeans was just a fill in to test the concept ... as you say, double lines of yellow stitching, a mottled denim background, and a $200 price tag is what I should have done to get it feeling right :) ... there again ... at my hourly rates, $200 would be pretty cheap for this pair of designer jeans ;) [This message has been edited by trib (edited 11-05-2002).] [This message has been edited by trib (edited 11-05-2002).]
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