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Thanks Swavey .. yes it's a complete rework based on the original principles (actually the 5th incarnation now). In the process of trying to make the motion smoother, I also redrafted the "flying doodad" to make it a bit less jaggy, and a bit more simple, and the dimensions a bit more standardized. While I was doing it, I realised that I could make it skinnable too ... so I did ... but that now means that I'm going to need to design a couple more skins of a slightly more attractive nature. I'm not really an artist, so that bit will be painfully slow. Well at least I proved the concept with this release. (if you didn't try it, click on the Trib logo in the middle, and select a skin). Unfortunately, because of the way I skinned the border and "arms" it doesn't leave scope for texturing them or making them more interesting (they're stretched, 1px wide images), but at least that means that I have only the corners, intersections and doodad to really work on. I think it will need to go through about 2 or 3 more re-works before I'm fully happy with it, but now I really do have to start thinking about some content before I go any further with the development process. On the subject of the internal scrollbars .. they actually do come out as dark and brighter blue on IE6, but not on NN I'm afraid. Because of the way I set it up, I might be able to add custom scrollers at a later date, but that's on the shelf for now. [This message has been edited by trib (edited 11-06-2002).]
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