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Nimraw: I'll give you a bigger review later if you need it but: 1. The site loaded quickly for me (I'm on cable modem though so fear for those in dialupville). 2. I like the simple design - far too many of these sites hit you with too much and things get messy and muddled. 3. With that in mind I suppose the fixed size of the page isn't too bad although it doesn't look great on higher resolutions. 4. My big bugbear are those rollovers - not the speed or their functionality but just the sheer percentage of page space that gets changed - possibly a half of the page changes (some quick sums later show it is actually 2/5 of the page - 0.4, not counting the actual menu itself, but it seems more because of the laid back design of the rest of the page). It is far to abrupt and feels like a slap across the face. It is really bad when you move the mouse from one to a section a couple lower down the flickering is horrible. I'm not sure what you are referring to as solutions (I can't see anything that fits the description) so I can't give you any comments on the next level. Overall it is a corporate site so I suppose the marketing people have to also have their say and they want to pull things in the direction of something like an online catalogue but I think it is such a bad idea to go down that road it is ugly, offputting and annoying. I'm not sure if you have any choice over this but I think it would work really nicely if it was toned down with more use of the screen so you could get more white space in and make the changes more subtle (if you want them at all ;) ). I think a much more Zen approach would relax people and ease them into the rest of the site at the moment those mouseovers put my teeth on edge and I just want to leave ;) Hope that is some help for you there ;) ___________________ Emps FAQs: [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/53/]Emperor[/url]
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