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Woah, you're employed at HP? Impressive. The site is waaay too heavy on images. I remember visiting HP not too long ago when I was trying to pick out a scanner. It was a different design than this, but I was on my modem at home, and it was impossible to navigate. Images took way too long to download, and the entire page was full of them - almost no text. It doesnt' look *that* much different here. That old version of this site actually made me turn off images. I *never* turn off images in my browser; this was the only time. And then it was still impossible to navigate: no alt text. I see that the current page has alt text. Good. Make sure that stays. But the page is still way too heavy on images. There's about 40 K of images just for a *single rollover*. 40 K is the upper bound on what an *entire page* should be! This is unnacceptable and unnecessary. The number of images needs to be reduced. Not everyone's on a T1 line. You'll notice that Mikey Milker, who said he's used to extremely fast page loading times, experienced loading times so slow that it actually confused him. What's that tell you? Oh, and there's absolutely no reason a site like this needs such a complicated table layout. I admit that the layout is too complicated to do with pure CSS, but if CSS were used effectively, the amount of table markup could be drastically reduced. At least 70% of the presentation on this can be handled by CSS, only the basic skeleton needs tables. So there's more wasted bandwidth: all that ugly messy table markup. So, the site's very pretty, but the execution is completely unnacceptable. Plus, the navigation is difficult to understand - i expect some sort of menu with those >> symbols, but it looks like I'm supposed to actually click on the buttons themselves. I can't imagine how many customers have been driven away by this. (oh, wait, you say this was just launched yesterday? eesh. put that last sentence in the future tense.) Oh, that's just the front page by the way. The inside pages are also significantly heavy on bandwidth. Finally, I just turned off images and it looks like alt text is used well, so that's a plus. But the majority of people shopping at HP's site won't even know how to turn off images, let alone understand that it might speed things up. Overall opinion: *Looks* good on the outside. But it's bad bad bad bad bad under the hood.
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