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OK, actually, this overuse of bandwidth is making me so mad that I'm going to save the front page to my hard drive and see how big it really is. Looks like the entire front page is 320 KB. That's 1/3 of a frickin' megabyte. Do you have any idea how much time that takes to download on a modem? I beleive it's a matter of minutes. Let's see... if I remember correctly, 5 MB takes half an hour on my modem at home. 1/3 of a megabyte, therefore, should take about two minutes. I'd like you to sit down for two minutes straight and do nothing but look at a half-loaded web page. (By the way, I don't know if *you're* the one who actually designed this, but I figure that's irrelevant since you asked for a review of it. Take no personal offense, I say all this only in the hope that it will be changed.)
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