OZONE Asylum
Site reviews!
Several designs, must chose one...
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well buddy, first of all - that ain't a site you got there. it's just a menu.... a nice one - it actually looks like it's slowly developing from 1 - 5... but it ain't a site. a site DOES have a menu, or some navigation of some sort, but it also has these other crazy things, like pages, and content. ...and it's incredibly hard to choose one of them unless we can see what background your going to be working on, where in the screen you want to put it, how you want to present the rest of your page, and what exactly the site is for. - but, if it's a quick response that you want, i would choose no. 5, because it has the lowest contrast out of them all.. and as such, hurts my eyes the least. i also suggest you have a slightly darker background than white, and that you maybe add a little colour to the works too. put simply - please, give us a site to review! :) ...and if you want any help along the way, well, that's what we're here for... just ask the q's in the appropriate forum! [img]http://www:rosebud@charlie.it.uts.edu.au/~areitsma/images/reitsma_sig.gif[/img]
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