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Thanks a lot for your comments, I guess it would only be polite to say a few things in return... Firstly on the impulse thing, I was never sure what the site's content was actually going to turn out like, i wasn't even sure that i was goign to write anything on each post in the first place. That may go some way towards explaining why the site, designed a few days before I had money for the camera, doesn't quite fit what i ended up spewing onto it. Irrespective of this since the site didn't cause any problems other than that, for you anyway, I don't think I'll be redesigning any time soon, and moreover I'm not sure if I could figure a way to interpret my writing as a piece of webdesign anyway, I find it difficult enough to interpret the complexity of my thoughts into writing, without wanting to sound pretentious. Second thing thanks for what I think was positive feedback on the content ("I don't think you can justify having solid content without a solid, compatible layout to compliment it, either"). It's good to have positive feedback from someone who doesn't know me to give me the imputus to continue. Finally you said how you like to see pictorial weblogs, but I was still left wondering if anyone at all had actually come across any other examples of one, and if so do they still have the URL? Thank you again for your help, I'm grateful of any feedback, it's all helpful somehow... p.s. I presume most of you use Photoshop on your sites, but is there anyone here that uses something else, for example the GIMP. It's what I've used, despite the knowledge it isn't as powerful. p.p.s. I also have a template site I made for a friend that you might want to look at for it being something different, I even did the painting myself... ...[url=http://quis.coolfreepage.com/euphoric/index.html]euphoric drowning[/url] "i miss me, i miss everything i'll never be" [url=http://quis.has.it] [img]http://quisja.portland.co.uk/quisjainverted.gif[/img] [/url] [This message has been edited by quisja (edited 11-13-2002).]
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