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Hmmm. Just a few points. Even if I thought the splsh page was necessary I wouldn't have made it so long that it scrolls vertically. And the tremulant black line doesn't really do much for me. Initially I didn't like the scrolling on the main page, with the X9 (which would make more sense as 9X?) superimposed over it, but if I went on the art page for example I thought all in all the scrolling worked pretty well. I think maybe since your using flash you could make the splash in flash as well, and then that could morph into the main page, or the buttons could just appear underneath. And on the subject of those buttons they need spicing up a little, at the moment they seem a little swamped on the pages with the red and the yellow. Sorry about that, I'm obviously in a mood this morning, so really those are just minor criticisms that dont even detract greatly from the site. "i miss me, i miss everything i'll never be" [url=http://quis.has.it] [img]http://quisja.portland.co.uk/quisjainverted.gif[/img] [/url]
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