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Hm, debate time ;) Is the client always right? Is the designer always right? Answer: None of the above ;) I agree that the calendar-example is in no way beautiful, however, there are differences between your proposal and that example that goes beyond the visual design. Information structure and conveyed message to the users. While your site is more interesting (and possibly more confusing) to the user, the calendar-example presents more information in a more traditional way on the first page than yours does, thus immediatley shows the user what it's all about. Your design is actually more about the site than the message. (of course there is a line that you should not cross as they did, the line between enough information and way too much...) If I understand you proposal correctly, the site actually is about selling a piece of Ireland (as in property/land), right? Then that's what you have to show the users in the visual design, presented in a way that the client can feel comfortable with. Like it or not, if the client uses a site as an example, you should bring in elements of that example in your proposal to satisfy the client. Just sit down and take a good look at the example site and try not to get hanged up on the bad aspects of it, try to find out what it is that the client finds appealing. Keep in mind here that it's the client and their customers that you need to satisfy, not us or yourself... Also clients and average joe users tend to be less "shopping inspired" in a site with ton's of flashy elements than in clean, trustworthy fast and modern sites. Anybody remember [url=http://www.boo.com]www.boo.com[/url] ... They "flashed" themself to the death. The key to any venture that want's people to part from their hard earned cash is to be trustworthy, give them privacy policies, links to info about how their creditcard info will be handled, all that stuff, it's boring but important! Take a step back and re-evaluate what your mission with the site really is about and forget the visual parts until you have the rest down, the visual parts should really only be decoration on a business site. Cheers/Dan [url=http://www.dmsproject.com/] [img]http://www.dmsproject.com/gif/sig3.gif[/img] [/url] [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/FaqWiki/shownode.php?sortby=rating&id=260]{cell 260}[/url] -{ a vibration is a movement that doesn't know which way to go }-
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