OZONE Asylum
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like an alcoholic...
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Last night, in e-mail, Michael asked me why I do not have a web site of my own. I responded with the truth: I have lots of ideas for a web site, I really want one, but I've always run into trouble trying to find the time/energy to follow through with my grand plans. I got this geocities account, and now I've made myself a deal (I've made this same pact with myself before and always failed...this time is different, I hope.) IF I can follow through with my plan for 3 months, I will break down and buy a domain name, get some real space (Pugzly, you still open for business?) and do it for real. I've given myself 15 minutes / business day to write extemporaneously on the [url=http://www.dictionary.com/wordoftheday/]word of the day[/url]. 15 minutes, that's all. Maybe it will grow, but today I'm starting small. Baby steps. [url=http://www.geocities.com/mobrul/]Day one is finished.[/url] There's not a lot there, but feel free to look, comment, insult, whatever. It will change, grow, take shape, over the next 3 months. I'm not really looking for anything specific...just kinda like when an alcoholic trys to get off the sauce, he can make deals with himself all day long (most of them he'll break before sunset), but if he tells his family he's done, there is this public incentive. Asylum, please be my public incentive to spend 15 min a day typing worthless crap into a worthless geocities web site. I'd appreciate it. [This message has been edited by mobrul (edited 11-29-2002).]
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