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Thank you all for your support and encouraging responses reitsma: Grammatical and spelling errors noted and fixed. Thanks. I'm normally pretty good about that sort of thing...not perfect, but better than average. Maybe I was just so excited on Wednesday... New emphasis on grammer and spelling. [check] Title attribute newly set for the title of each day's writing. Good idea. [check] About Twitch^...hmmm...that's kinda disheatening. I understand exactly what you're saying. Believe me when I say I didn't 'on purpose' pick to model my design off anybody. But you seem to think it is, for lack of a better phrase, 'too close' to Stephen's work...and after you say it, I took a long hard look and agree, it does look kinda like the old miscminutia. I'm not sure what to do about that. I'll say this for now: If Stephen/Twitch^ happens to see this, and you think I'm 'too close' to yours, please contact me in whichever way you feel necessary. I'll remove the style sheet immediately. I'm not being a smart ass, or anything but totally serious. In the meantime, or barring any comment from Twitch^, I'll think about ways to make this more imprinted with my own (feeble as it may be) style. Thanks for being honest without being rude. Mission section...not convinced on what to do with that yet, or even if it will stay for very long. I appreciate your advice, but for now it's staying where it is. Suho: Thanks, I need it. my e-mail is in my profile. Email whenever you feel I'm slacking. Finally, Michael, besides inspiring me to get off my ass, has now offered me some little space in his web world. From now on, geocities can die and my site will be (at least temporarily) found at [url=http://mobrul.formclot.net]http://mobrul.formclot.net[/url]. Many many many thanks to Michael. mobrul
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