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OK, it appears that the logo is a source of various and sundry opinions. On the one hand, it needs more color and creativity. On the other hand, it's too small, is in the wrong location and needs better typography. At this point the only thing I'm sure of is that everyone has a slightly different take on life. I think I may throw the logo into the PS forum and see what happens. No one has said that they actually [b]liked[/b] the logo yet, which probably isn't a good sign. krets: Your assessment kind of took me by surprise, I must admit. It never occurred to me that the logo might be too small (the original image was even smaller, and I made it a bit bigger). It also never occurred to me to have it anywhere but smack dab in the middle of the page. After reading that, though, I played around with the position a bit: I don't think I like it at the bottom, since all that white space at the top looks a bit odd, but having it at the top is not as bad (the white space at the bottom looks more natural). At the top, though, it just doesn't seem to line up with the page headers. I don't know... it's something I'll definitely keep in mind. When you say "better typography," do you mean a different font or better work on the font I have? I kind of like the font, and I'm not really sure how I could improve what's there (typography is another one of my weak areas... I have a lot of weak areas).
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