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Heh... I guess the majority of the text here is me... spelling out what I did, responding to people's comments, getting clarification, etc. I figured some people would like the original and some people would like the flip side, so I guess I'm cool with people liking one and not the other. But the pink does kind of bother me. I know you weren't around for the original reds, Jason, but what do you think I can do to save the links on the black. What about abandoning red and going in a different direction? I'd like to stick with red if possible, but it has occurred to me that perhaps the red is just not going to work with the blue/purple (some people call it blue, some people call it purple... I just call it #6cc ;-)). I realize that we're really getting down to window dressing here, but I won't be able to make any major changes until I get back in January, so I figured I'd fine tune a little more...
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