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Thanks for the comments, V. Good point about the menu. I think that did occur to me at one point, but then I forgot about it. My only concern is that it will look funny up there. I will play around with it, though, and see what happens. I suppose having the menu in a readily visible area is important. I may even have two menus--one at the top and one at the bottom--since some of the pages might get a bit long. You don't like Georgia? :( I wanted to use a serif font for the feel, and Georgia is the safest thing out there. Unless you don't have Georgia on your system, in which case you will see, um, let me check.... Hmmm... apparently the only thing I specified after Georgia was default serif, which may be Times New Roman (which definitely sucks). I'm not really familiar with too many other serif fonts that look nice on the screen. This is something I'll have to look into. If you have "Footlight MT light" installed on your system, that's what you'll see for the page headings (it's the same font used in the background graphic). Just checking here, but when you say you are not fond of the font, does that mean you just don't like it, or is it actually hard to read. Because I don't want a hard to read font on my page. I suppose I could experiment with a sans-serif (Verdana) for the body text and leave the headings in Georgia. 1) Hmm... yeah, I was kind of surprised myself. I have no idea what could be doing this. The funny thing is that it only pops up an error for the first instance of alt... 2) I'd rather stay away from browser sniffing it at all possible. The hack I used isn't all that bad, I don't think, I was just wondering if there was an official way to do it. Maybe I'll ask about that in the CSS forum. 3) Point taken. I'd better get to work. :) 4) Appreciate your thoughts on this. That's the way I'm leaning at the moment, but we'll have to see how it goes. Good point about being able to change methods later--I have to remember that nothing is set in stone. 5) Glad to hear the style switching is smooth. I guess it was just me... weird. Any other comments from the peanut gallery? No royal treatment? ;)
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