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Jason: Brilliant! You know, that [i]has[/i] been bugging me immensely, and I've been trying to figure out what to do about it. It never occurred to me to give the links padding! I love you, man. :D V: Thanks for the input on the link colors and text alignment. Believe it or not, but I actually had trouble sleeping last night because of those friggin' link colors. The conclusion that I came to before I was finally able to fall asleep was that I liked the red, but I would have to fiddle a bit with it, since what looks good against black doesn't necessarily look good against white. So I think I'm going to play around with red a bit until I find a combination that I like (but I'll leave up the other colors, just in case someone else wants to comment). Text alignment is still up in the air, but I think I'm leaning toward ragged right. Two ems of space between words is just way too much, and since this site is going to be primarily text, readability is key. I think I can live with the flyout on ragged right. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to pad my links. Hmm... sounds like a euphemism... [Edit: OK... padding complete, and I must admit it looks [b]much[/b] nicer. Thanks, Jason. :) I also fiddled with the style sheets a bit... now, the four links on the [url=http://hwarang_.tripod.com/liminality/index.html]front page[/url] will lead to, respectively: 1) the black color scheme with red links and justified text, 2) the white color scheme with red links and justified text, 3) the black color scheme with orange links and ragged right text, and 4) the white color scheme with purple links and ragged right text. This way, you can compare both the link colors [b]and[/b] the text justification at the click of a button. God, I love style sheets. These will probably be the last modifications I make before I leave for Thailand next Tuesday. Feel free to make any comments, of course, as I will be taking everything into account when I come back. At that time I will put the site up in what will hopefully be its permanent home, with all the content, and I'll post the news in a new thread. So thanks to everyone who's helped out--it's been real.] [This message has been edited by Suho1004 (edited 12-13-2002).]
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