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Thanks for the comments, DL. Let me just make sure I've got everything straight... When you say "tone down" the red, you mean make it stand out less? Like maybe toning down the saturation? Also, not sure if you checked out the other color scheme (white base), but I wonder how the red looks there. I imagine that if I lightened up the red on the black background, I would probably darken it on the white background--in other words, be moving closer to the body text color. OK, I think I got that. The graphic... yeah, it's lame. I did it a while back when I was first tinkering with the idea for the site. I'm sure you know by now that graphics are just not my strong point, and I guess it shows here. So, I need color and depth (as in creativity and originality, right?). I'll be honest with you, I've been staring at that stupid image so long nothing else really comes to mind. I suppose I could try taking it out (maybe leaving in a graphic with just the text) and see what hits me, but I don't know. Not only should it be colorful and original, but I need one for each color scheme. *sigh* That kind of bums me out, actually. Oh well, back to the drawing board. As for XHTML strict, that's what I'm shooting for--the only thing that doesn't fly is "alt" :confused: For what it's worth, I did play around with the menus a bit, and I tried one with the menu at the top and one with a menu at both the top and bottom. Note that these are only test pages, and I only coded up style sheets for the black-and-blue scheme. These are just to give an idea of what the menus look like in different locations. [url=http://hwarang_.tripod.com/liminality/index.html]Original version (menu at bottom)[/url] [url=http://hwarang_.tripod.com/liminality/index_alt2.html]Menu at top[/url] [url=http://hwarang_.tripod.com/liminality/index_alt.html]Menu at top and bottom[/url] OK, let me tighten my laces and then I'll climb back into the ring... who's next? [Edit: Hmm... after seeing the menu at the top like that, I'm wondering if it might not be a bad idea to take out the menu item for the current page, seeing as the title is right above it. Thoughts on that?] [This message has been edited by Suho1004 (edited 12-08-2002).]
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