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V: I think I like the menu on both ends, to be honest. I think it give the page a balanced feel. It might be a bit much for short pages (maybe like the image pages), in which case I would probably have it just at the top. krets: In my last post up there I put up a sample with the menu at the top--is that more like what you were thinking about? It never occurred to me when I was doing the page, but after V's first comment at realized that it was a major design flaw. As for the red, yes, it is a matter of personal taste. If one person mentions something, I consider it. If another person mentions it, then I take it seriously. If I get three or more people mentioning it, it gets changed. So right now I'm seriously considering it. Which brings me to my next point. DL mentioned up there that the logo sucks (well, maybe not in so many words), and I think I'm so sick of the thing at this point that I am inclined to agree with him. No one else has mentioned it so far, so I thought I'd toss it out there more specifically: does the logo suck, or is it OK? Brutal honesty will be appreciated.
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