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Hey all, I really need some help making this site available across different browsers, browser versions and platforms. The primary ones, in this order, are: 1. MSIE 6.0 5,708 60.11 2. MSIE 5.5 1,456 15.32 3. MSIE 5.0 1,026 10.80 4. MSIE 6.0 (AOL) 214 2.25 5. Netscape 6.0 165 1.74 6. Netscape 7.0 151 1.59 7. MSIE 5.5 (AOL) 131 1.38 8. MSIE 6.0 (MSN) 128 1.35 9. Netscape 4.7 109 1.14 (the numbers are #of hits on current site over past few weeks, then percentage) I know right now that the sight is working well on IE 6.0 for PC's, but I know there are a lot of bugs elsewhere...anyhelp would be really really appreciated...CSS formatting is the big issue here. The site is at: [url=http://stage.www.techworthy.com/]http://stage.www.techworthy.com/[/url] user name is: tester@test.com pw is : 123tester thanks a bunch as always [url=http://www.techworthy.com/] [img]http://www.drisson.com/sig.gif[/img] [/url] [This message has been edited by grats42 (edited 12-12-2002).]
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