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If you're looking for content or excitement, this surely isn't the page. Yeah, it *is* nothing but links. That's exactly what causes the difficulty in presentation. The original was a few self-agrandizing paragraphs followed by the stuff that I moved to the registration info page. The problem I'm trying to solve with this page is largely one of taxonomy. Without a page listing every course available, the visitor has to guess what kind of courses might be in the Write It! Workshops or whatever, and click through 11 pages of course descriptions. Put another way, given the task of finding something like Creative Writing 101, where would you start if all you had was a menu of 11 categories? Unfortunately, I don't have the luxury of being able to restructure the taxonomy, (and even if I did, I'm not sure I could improve it.) It's not an option anyway. It must use the same categories and listings as the paper catalog. This is my first stab at solving the problem of how do you make 59 courses accessible given a taxonomy of 11 categories that are not all crystal clear? When I originally posted this I was thinking only along the lines of color. Now I'm wondering if there's a better solution to the problem. I'm open to all suggestions in that regard. As for the graphics, yeah, you're right. They blow dead bunnies. It's the best I could do given what the client could give me to work with and my skills. I've never claimed to be an artist. If you put a pencil in my hand, all I can make are words. Put me at a computer and guess what? All I can make are words. Putting Photoshop in my hand (so to speak) does not change my natural talents or abilities (or more to the point, the absence thereof.) This is a [i]pro bono[/i] job. There's no budget at all, let alone budget for a graphic artist. I'd be grateful (and I'm sure the client would be too) for anyone who could spruce them up. Meanwhile, is there a way to make this page work better? [img]http://www.brucew.com/ozone/b-ozone-sig.gif[/img]
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