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What he means by the draggable thing is the actual bar (or box) that appears in between the scroll arrows at the top and bottom--that thing that you can click on and drag rather than clicking on the arrows themselves. Look over to the right of your screen and you should see one there now. In the content area, you apparently do have a scroll bar, but the bar itself is invisible (in other words, it is draggable, but you kind of have to guess where to click--not a good thing). From the very start (or at least for as long as I've been watching you), you've developed only for IE 5.5+. Also from the very start, I (and many others) have told you that this is an irresponsible design choice, unless you feel comfortable alienating people like Veneficuz and WarMage. I must say, though, that I am pleased to see that you are thinking of looking into compliancy this time around. In addition to browsers, though, I would [b]definitely[/b] look into designing for lower resolutions as well (at least 800x600). At 800x600, the navigation gets cut off, and since you don't have a global scroll on the page there is no way I can get to it. Very bad, in my opinion. As for style, etc., I don't really like the borders (the zig-zag things). For some reason, they set me on edge--it's just not a very pleasant experience. Um, I guess that's about it in terms of criticisms. Very interesting navigation. I do like it, but I like it less knowing that it only works in IE 5.5+... the same goes for your scripts. I suppose it is your choice if you want to develop only for IE, but others out there may want a little more flexibility.
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