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I like the layout and colors. Maybe do something more out of the menu? It is good the way it is now, but just thinking that it might also look good (better?) with an increased font size and maybe a 'fancier' hover effect. You could for example change the bullet to the other 'type' when you hold over a link. In the code there is a couple of things that strike me. After the </html> tag there shouldn't be anything, since the html document ends there. But you have used the </html> tag in the end of the head section as well. Not good! If I were you I would also try making the layout using css and divs instead of a table like you have done. CSS is the new standard and the code is easier to mantain and update etc... You also lack DOCTYPE and encoding declarations. The <meta> tags are also missing, but you probably know that and plan to put them in when you are finnished with the site :p The CSS part of the page should also be in a separete stylesheet to enable faster loading, but that might also be something put on hold until it is finnished. edit: A more descriptive page title wouldn't hurt either. I kind of like to know what pages I have open in the different tabs from only reading the titles... _________________________ "There are 10 kinds of people; those who know binary, those who don't and those who start counting at zero" [This message has been edited by Veneficuz (edited 12-14-2002).]
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