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Thats a great idea, and the way all the pages have a different but similar design is a nice touch. It is a bit heavy on my 56k though ( or are brinkster slow ? ) Maybe your design images might be smaller if you save them as GIFs, seeing as though they dont have a lot of colour, maybe not. I'll try to remember you next time Im updateing my site, I dont have time to do it now sry. Some Popup Code: <script> function pop(url) { tWidth=Math.round(screen.width*0.8); tHeight=Math.round(screen.height*0.8); gleft = (screen.width/2)-(tWidth/2); gtop = (screen.height/2)-(tHeight/2)-30; // Its the next line that does all the work. popup = open(url,"gWindow",'toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=1, menubar=0,scrollbars=1,scrolling=auto,resizable=1,width='+tWidth+', height='+tHeight+',left='+gleft+',top='+gtop+''); } </script> its used like so: <img onclick=pop("blah.htm"); > and it will pop a big window 80% of the screen size in the center. You should be able to see how to set constant width values. [url=http://www.icklepix.com] [img]http://esatclear.ie/~hyphen/forum/rabbitsig.gif[/img] [/url] [Emp edit: Killing the HSBoD] [This message has been edited by Emperor (edited 12-20-2002).]
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