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Welcome to the Asylum! Since you are new here you might want to check the [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/394/] [img]http://www.OzoneAsylum.com/faq.gif[/img] [/url] Next time you ask for a site review you should also add some more information. What do you want reviewed? Who is you target audience? Right now I just critisied what I though appropriate... I like the colors and overall feel of the site. It is nothing spectacular, but it is working... When viewing it in Mozilla 1.2.1 I get to much white space bellow the logo in the top left corner. I tested the site in IE6.0 as well and the white space was smaller there so it is a problem with how your code is rendered in Mozilla... In Mozilla I also get a HSOB(Horisontal Scrollbar of Death) no matter what resolution I view it at (tried almost everything up to 1024x768). That is not good! The page should be viewable everything down to 800x600 with a HSOB. I would also remove the animation of the quote. Change the quote everytime the user reloads the page instead... The two other animations isn't nessecary either and draws the attention away from the content and the rest of the page so I might want to consider (re)moving them. At least the Panoramic banner.. the Announcement animation is so small that is doesn't matter that much.. The pool options on your site is also somewhat lacking imo. You take it for granted that no one dislike your site... Looking at your code I can see one mayor flaw (at least in my opinion). You lack a DOCTYPE. More info can be found here [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/460/] [img]http://www.OzoneAsylum.com/faq.gif[/img] [/url] You also have a <style type="text/css"> part in the middle of your page. It would probably be a good idea to move this to an external stylesheet and link it in the beginning of the page... You should also move most of your javascript to external scipt files to increase the readability of your source code. Changing to a table less layout would also make the code easier to read. That would be a lot of work since you allready have this thing working now, but it is something you should seriously consider when(/if) you redesign your site... _________________________ "There are 10 kinds of people; those who know binary, those who don't and those who start counting at zero" [This message has been edited by Veneficuz (edited 12-26-2002).]
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