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Dracusis: Thanks for your comments. I will print them out and go through them mor thouroughly to try to add the imporvments you suggested to the site. I have a question about one comment you made. [quote]Although I should prod you about it being completely invalid HTML mark-up[/quote] What were you referring to about the completely invalid HTML. I ran these pages through the w3c page validator and made all the changes it suggested. What are you referring to when you say there is completely invalid HTML. ---- JKMabry: Thanks for your offer to test on ME and XP. I am referring to the game "Chips Challenge" when I say "I haven't run it on these operating systems". I assume the solutions manual will run on these systems since it uses the web browser to show the pages. ---- Thanks to both for your comments, I will try to make some changes and see if I can't improve the presentation for this site. -- not necessarily stoned... just beautiful.
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