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You make me feel like a big looser! :P I start from bottom of your message.... "Not use the font tag" Well, i didn't knew i was, but okey, i will remove it if i can find it. "You should move the scripts to a seperate file" You mean tha Javascripts to the Rollover menu? I don't know how to do include that inside the page again, but if i learn that, i promise you to do that :D "You've also used tables for the whole layout. That is bad!" CSS? Well, i use CSS on my page, but i doesn't know how to use CSS to make the WHOLE layout... but maybe i will tech one day. "The bottom padding/margin should be increased a little bit" Affirmative! I'll do that... "Maybe add a different colors to the links?" I'll do that too.... :) "You should make the menu more apparent." Maybe, but i wont promise anything... And i don't manage to make that menu in CSS. (I thought i could a lot CSS, but i was wrong :() "Get rid of the splash page." I like it, are you really so lazy that you doesn't want to click again?? :D Well, okey...maybe i will remove it... Your critic is like a really hard punch in my face.... :D No no, it wans't that bad... thanks for checking it out :) [url=http://home.no.net/pzion] [img]http://home.no.net/pzion/images/sigg.gif[/img] [/url]
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