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Yah, I'm with Jason on the colours. The splash page (while being rather pointless) actually had me hyped about the colours and layout inside (did I mention I love the colour orange?) but when I finally got there it was just too... eh. Too small a range of orange across too large an expanse with a contrast that was a little too contrasting. Although I think if you play with it some more you could get it look'n real fine. Appart from that I don't see why I'd need broadband to access the site. I'm on dialup and all the pages loaded fairly fast. I'm also not fond of the IE only bit... It makes me nervious when a web designer sees fit to only designer for one browser. Having an "IE only" clause says one of two things to me: 1) You couldn't design your way out of a paper bad and supporting browsers other than IE makes you cry and run home to your mom. 2) You could design for other browsers but for this site you just couldn't be bothered so you designed for the one that let's you make the most mistakes but still work. Weather or not either of these two things are true, this is pertty much what I think every time I see an "IE only" notice on a webpage. In any case, It makes me want to close the browser window rather than click the "enter" link. [This message has been edited by Dracusis (edited 01-03-2003).]
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