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ooh! ooh! do i get to claim first blood on this one? better type quick... ok, my first impression - ugh. i like the original better. at least the bad parts on that site were original. whew. the only thing worse than those red buttons are the way they look onmouseover. i'm sorry, but the whole navigation scheme looks like it's hitting the web a decade too late. sorry, i really haven't been all that constructive, have i? ok, as far as i can see, what this site lacks is [i]forethought[/i]. it looks like you gathered the content, and through it together in frontpage. forethought is conisidering:[ulist]*who will be most likely to read this website? (target audience)*what are they like?*what do i want to sell?*what sort of image am i trying to portay of the company and the product/service?*what information would my target audience most likely be seeking?*what parts of my site, if any, will be regularly updated?[/ulist] forethought is keeping all these issues - and more - in mind as you [i]design[/i] your site. perhaps forethought would have established that a piano site should look classy, elegant, contemporary, and perhaps a little artistic and unique. this would mean a slightly different choice in colour scheme, for one. it perhaps would also convince you that a "click here!" "buy now" style of advertising could be inappropriate, and slightly cheapen the site. it also could lead you to deduce that bevels and dropshadows do not give the site the level of sophisitication required to communicate the desired image. this idea of trying to enforce a set of established ideas on a site also encourage consistency and clarity to the site. at the moment, this does not seem the case - if you look at your left navigation menu (serif font, mixed case, slightly subdued and no mouseovers), and compare them with your top bar navigation (sans serif font, capital letters with drop shadow, quite glary and with mouseover effects), it seems they have been taken from two different sites altogether. my advice? Go and [url=http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=pianos]find[/url] some [url=http://www.steinway.com/]nice[/url] [url=http://www.yamaha.com/piano/index.htm]piano[/url] [url=http://www.reederpianos.com/]sites[/url], see what you like about them, see which ones are communicating the sorts of things you want to communicate, and use a combination of sites (and your own imagination and creativity) as inspiration for a new site. [img]http://formclot.net/sig/reitsma_sig.gif[/img] [This message has been edited by reitsma (edited 01-08-2003).]
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